Sometimes I need a do-over. Life is neither neat, nor fair, and sometimes it simply gets heavier than I can carry. I need to wipe the slate clean, start over, reset… I need a do-over.
The Bible tells us, “Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear” (Isaiah 59.1-2).
Being a guy, my first reaction is, “Hey, I can fix this! If it’s bad that has caused this problem, then I’ll do good to fix it.”
But, the Bible also tells us, “We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind” (Isaiah 64.6). And, “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9.22).
Guess what. I cannot fix this. My sins have separated me from God, and I am helpless to change that. So, I do my “sin list”. It is the thing I hate to do more than anything else, but it must be done. I start by sitting down with a pad of paper and a pen – no phones, no people, no distractions, no interruptions. Then, I begin, “Father, I have sinned against you. What have I allowed to come between us? What have I put in Your place in my life? What have I pursued instead of You?”
Varied things, specific things will flood my mind – faster than I’m able to put on paper. But, I do put them on paper. I record my sins on paper as God lists them in my mind as a Judge would list charges against the accused... and I know that I am guilty. Each charge hits me like a tidal wave, crushing me with a shuddering crash.
Then, “Ok, Lord, what else?” And, the process begins again... and, again… and again… as many times as it takes until there is nothing left undone. When my list, my sin list, is complete, I begin to confess it – one item at a time – to God. Agreeing with Him about the putrid nature of my own sin, and begging Him to please forgive me, I pour my soul out before Him. I collapse at His feet like a small child who knows that he has disappointed Dad and broken His heart.
Then, “Ok, Lord, what else?” And, the process begins again... and, again… and again… as many times as it takes until there is nothing left undone. When my list, my sin list, is complete, I begin to confess it – one item at a time – to God. Agreeing with Him about the putrid nature of my own sin, and begging Him to please forgive me, I pour my soul out before Him. I collapse at His feet like a small child who knows that he has disappointed Dad and broken His heart.
And then, I am ashamed
…of all that I allowed to come between my Lord and I…
…of all that I wrongly put into His rightful place in my life…
…of all that I wholeheartedly chased after…
…of all that I did to neglect and reject the God who loves me so much that
He would rather die than live without me…
I place my list of confessed sins in the BBQ pit and pray, “Lord, I am ashamed of all that this list represents. I want to hide it from You, but I know that You desire every bit of me – including the bad and the ugly. So, here it is. I present this most unworthy gift as an act of obedience to You.”
And then, I light the 4 corners of the paper. In my mind’s eye, what I observe next is that God scoops up that list and crumbles it up in flames… and it is gone. It will never return. It’s vanished.
It’s gone and I’m forgiven (1 John 1.9). And, it feels as if I dropped a telephone pole from across my shoulders to the ground. And then, I drop, too. I am little more than a puddle of jelly. I’ve got nothing left. I am spent.
And then God… (Matthew 11.28)
… scoops me up in His gentle hands and wraps His strong arms around me…
… loves me up close and whispers to me:
“Thank you”…
“Of course I forgive you”…
“I’ve missed you, too”…
“I wondered how long you would carry that load”
“Welcome home”
I need to leave nothing undone. So now, I have a 2nd list. It's a list of people I’ve sinned against. I need to confess my sins and seek their forgiveness, too.
Do you need a do-over?
Sometimes I need a do-over. Life is neither neat, nor fair, and sometimes it simply gets heavier than I can carry. I need to wipe the slate clean, start over, reset… I need a do-over.
I guess it’s time to repent and seek forgiveness again.